

Electroless Nickel Coating Specifications

Series 200 Specifications
For Ferrous & Non-Ferrous Metals

Electroless Nickel Coating Specifications

Suitable Coating Materials

Series 200 electroless nickel coatings can be successfully applied to most metal substrates of which include but are not limited to:

  • Steel
  • Stainless steel
  • Iron
  • Brass
  • Bronze
  • Copper
  • Hastelloy
  • Inconel
  • Monel
  • Nickel alloys
  • Aluminum

Coating Thickness

Our Series 200, electroless nickel plating coatings are applied via a time controlled deposition process, which allows us to specify a wide range of thicknesses and hold tight tolerances. Depending on your application requirements, we routinely apply coatings as thin as 0.0002" per surface or as thick as 0.002" per surface, holding tolerancing within 0.0001" per surface. Our nominal thickness that we specify for the majority of our 200 Series coatings is 0.001", which is held within +/- 0.0002" per side.

Surface Finish (RMS)

200 Series coatings are uniform and extremely conformal in nature. With the exception of our Endura® 202HW process, the majority of our 200 Series coatings will replicate your parts’ surface geometries and mirror closely their existing RMS surface values.


Typical micro surface hardness varies within our 200 Series product platform. Depending on the coating selected, values may range between 40 and 85 Rc.

Wear & Abrasion Resistance

These coatings exhibit superior abrasion resistance and are comparable to that of hardened tool steel or chromium-plated steel of the same surface finish.

Low Friction

Series 200 coated surfaces are uniform, conformal and smooth, and may be further supplemented through the impregnation of low friction, high release fluoropolymers. With the introduction of these chemistries, our Series 200 coatings can provide extremely low coefficients of friction. Frictional values typically range between 0.08 and 0.12, depending on the coating selected as well as the load, sliding speed, and temperature of your application.

Chemical & Corrosion Resistance

Series 200 coatings are resistant to a variety of chemicals, most acids, alkalis, and a multitude of solvents. While the majority of our 200 Series afford some intrinsic level of corrosion protection, our Endura® 200CR is engineered to provide maximum corrosion resistance. Using a 5% salt spray test per ASTM B-117 and with a coating thickness of at least 0.001 inch, our Endura® 200CR coating has shown to withstand corrosive attack in excess of 1,000 hours. We recommend that you evaluate the selected Endura® 200 Series coating against the corrosive elements of your application. Sample coupons are available upon request to test the compatibility of our coatings in your use environment.

Non-Stick (Release) Properties

Through a proprietary, vacuum impregnation process, Endura® can integrate specific high release fluoropolymers into most all of our 200 Series coatings. These fluoro-chemistries provide exceptional non-stick surface characteristics, affording sustained high release properties from a variety of materials and tactile products.

Operating Temperature Range

Our Series 200 coatings can withstand severe temperature fluctuations with little loss or no in physical properties. These coatings are designed to operate from cryogenic to 500°F continuous operating temperatures (550°F intermittent exposure). Some of our Series 200 coatings, such as our Endura® 225, are thermally stable up to 1100°F.

Electrical Properties

The majority of our Endura® 200 Series coatings are electrically insulating. The electrical resistivity of our 200 Series coatings varies by coating system. Depending on the coating being applied values may range from 52 up to 100 microohm-cm.


Series 200 Infused Matrix™ coatings contain organic polymer reinforcements that afford excellent non-wetting surface characteristics. Depending on your application requirements, specific fluoro-chemistries can be vacuum impregnated into our 200 Series coating’s microstructures to create oleophobic and hydrophobic finishes that are truly unique. These highly engineered surfaces resist wetting by most liquids, thus greatly reducing and in some cases eliminating extensive cleaning efforts.

Critical Processing Factors for Series 200 (Electroless Nickel Plating Coatings)

Base Metal Surface Requirements

Surface imperfections, contaminants, and existing coatings must be removed prior to applying any of our 200 Series coatings. These coatings are conformal and uniform in nature, and consequently will replicate all existing surface geometries of your base metal substrate. Therefore, any existing surface imperfection in your base metal will remain post processing. Endura® possesses the ability to remove most any known pretreatment or coating, however; we recommend that you provide clean parts that possess the RMS value you wish to maintain post processing. In order to ensure proper adhesion to your base metal substrate parts also must be free of scale, slag or discoloration associated with heat treat, as well as all magnetism.


To create our Series 200 coating architectures, your parts must be fully submerged into an electro-less nickel plating bath. As a result, fixture points of contact are required to securely hold and suspend your tooling during processing. Areas where we make contact with you parts will have small racking voids and should be located on your parts non-functioning (non-working) surfaces. Prior to sending tooling in for processing it is important to have acceptable surfaces for racking defined to ensure our manufacturing and production team run your parts to specification.


Masking of select surfaces where coating voids are required is available. Endura® works with a variety of mediums to mask surfaces where coating is not desired. Depending on your part’s geometry and surface characteristics painted-on lacquers, pull-plugs, and custom fabricated fixtures may be used to accomplish the aforesaid. In the event masking is required, highlighted or “marked" prints identifying critical surfaces are extremely helpful in ensuring your parts are processed to spec.

Please complete our Coating Requirement Questionnaire
or call us at 1.800.336.3872 to review & discuss your project requirements.

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